Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to:spooky arg

Hi! well actually i'm not saying hi to anyone in particular but whatever i'm sure i'll get viewers sometime... anyway in case you just got on the internet right now and this site just happened to be the first one you visited there has been a trend for ARG's(Alternate Reality Games) used to instill fear in players. if you do not know what an arg is it is a story which interferes with elements of real life to create a realistic setting.
my personal Favorited when it comes to this "genre" is marble hornets and everymanHYBRID
(check them out! but don't look behind you after you'r done) which both excel in their own ways
any way onwards to tips and cake!
as you've seen with the 2 series above you can really use videos to really scare the Shaman out of people but you need to do the atmosphere building right or it all collapses in a symphony of boring
the right way i find is to start suttle maybye add your object of spookiness in the background not really doing anything. Just suttle enough so that some people will see it but not everyone these people will tell everyone Hey1 theres an EFFING SCARY THING IN THE BACKGROUND Look look! Once this has been announced have epsiodes with no object of fear at all just spooky enviroments or noises these episodes make the viewer paranoid and builds tension. they will be looking Everywhere but to no avail then start building on this. building the atmosphere and apearences until WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! give tham an episode which releases the tension and scares the (eff) out of them the first of these WHAM epsiodes should be when your characters finally catch up to the fact that theyre being talked by something that brings the necromicon to book club. it will scare the hell out of your veiwers then after that it's going to have to be a few more epsiodes of tension building. remember the first episode should be incredibly suttle. everyman HYBRID does this best with only an eerie picture of a swamp telling viewers somethings up marble hornets is not very suttle saying that something weird is going on straight away.

Never under any circumstances give a straight awnser to your viewers if your seiries is popular having forum threads with people discussing the latest video and their theories will lwt you know youve done a good job. lets say if marble hornets just gave you all the awnsers would it be half as scary? no not at all this mehtod stirs up chaos with your viewers making them confused and disoriented just the place you want them for a wham episode. also audience involvement is key to an arg wether it is leaving caches around wich have vital plot clus or forcing players to do certain actions so the plot continues this is all part of involvement dont involve them and its just another spooky story


there are 3 antagonist types to an arg

1: the i'll-just-stand-here-and-let the characers drive themselves insane type
this is a good type for the methods mentioned above because this type dosent have to do anything except stand there to make an enviroment creepy. but adding other things such as weird noises helps

type2 the -i am posting psycdellic videos +i am ax crazy type
this guy should never appear in your vids so do npt include him without type 1 or 3
have fun with the videos just make sure you put in a a vauge clue to stir up chaos

type3:axe crazy beast
just a crazy supernatural character who likes to kill scary but not eerie

with all these antagonists make sure they are normal enough but have something off with their appearance oh and the less they talk the better

well thats all the tips i have for today comment if you liked /disliked tell me why
also feel free to post your fave args in the comments!
but dont waste my space with comments about grammmar!